Thursday, February 10, 2011

Esther's Grave

I have been looking for the right fake flowers to put by Esther's grave. I have always loved pink, but forever pink will remind me of Esther. I wanted to find something that could be by her grave and that would be so her, or at least what reminds me of her. Real flowers don't last long and with such crappy weather, we needed to find something durable. I glued all the flowers and ribbons to the pot so hopefully nothing will blow away! I hated driving by Babyland and seeing nothing by her grave. This will do until we get her gravestone made. I think we have made our final decision on what it will say. I just don't want to mess up on anything that is a memorial for her. That will be there forever to remember her! So i guess we have just taken our time as to have it perfect. We love her so much and want it to reflect that. I am excited to see the final result. But for now this will do--

I love the sunshine. It is amazing what it does to my spirit! Lifts me up. I know God knows what we need and loves to lavish HIS love on us. I pray you are blessed today as you look up! He will NEVER let you down. I was thinking about this a few days after we lost Esther. We were driving home and it was a cloudy day, but I could see the sun barely peeking through the clouds. I thought, you know what? Isn't that just like God? Even when it is cloudy, even when we can't see the sun at ALL, it is still there. It may be behind the clouds so our eyes can't see it, but we know its there. God is always there. Jesus His SON is always there, even when we can't see Him or feel Him. If the circumstances around us are dark and cloudy and depressing, HE IS THERE. The sun is always shining..........and the SON is always shining. Praise His Name!


  1. It's beautiful, Mo! And cheerful -- for a little girl who is enjoying eternal life at Jesus' feet! Very sweet!

  2. Mo, that is so sweet and bright - anyone who happens by will see how loved that sweet baby girl is!
